Friday, December 6, 2013

Winner! November 2013 NaNoWriMo

Another 50K! Words that is, not money. LOL I wish. That's close to 200K words written for this project almost every single word not making it into the final draft. So I will be rewriting this story again taking bits of my NaNoWriMo drafts and really working to improve my craft. I've spent a year learning all the techniques-I just need to go slow-paragraph by paragraph improving. Yeah, so that will be fun. LOL I've got 130K on my Christmas story in NaNo drafts to work on. And about 44K from April Camp NaNo on my Russian retelling. Lots of work to keep me busy over the next year. My New Year's resolution is to blog more. Yep, every year I say that. :D Happy holidays!